How to Get Comfortable Leading Through Uncertainty

Uncertainty in the business world is nothing new. Back in the ‘80s, Peter Vaill, a management consultant and author, described the challenge as leading through “permanent whitewater rapids.” The visual his description conjures up is a good one. Business leaders have been navigating these uncertain rapids for years. In fact, continued uncertainty is one thing leaders can count on going forward.

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Today, the pace of change, globalization, and digital transformation are only accelerating. Handling unpredictability and thriving in ambiguity requires leaders – and their organizations – to evolve their leadership styles and embrace new skillsets. I don’t see it as an option. It’s a business imperative. In a previous blog, I shared The 5 Must-Have Leadership Characteristics in 2025.

I wrote the paragraphs above in January 2020, before we were fully aware of the COVID-19 threat, and weeks before it turned our business and personal lives upside down. Everything I wrote before is still true – except now we’re navigating uncertainty like most of us have never experienced in our lifetimes.

In light of the current crisis and all of the unknowns leaders are facing, I’ve added some COVID-specific context to the following recommendations for how to successfully lead a team and a company to succeed in uncertain times.

Resist your resistance

It’s human nature to resist change. Uncertainty makes us crave the comfortable. We put things off. “When things get back to normal, we’ll figure it out.” Or we make excuses. “Our business can’t operate remotely or due to stay-at-home orders.”  Organizations that can’t find a way to pivot and overcome resistance stifle innovation, undermine morale, and see critical projects fall flat.

As a leader, the biggest antidote to your own resistance is recognizing it. Ask yourself, “What am I resisting?” Be specific as you explore your answers. Resistance often stems from a lack of control. Recognizing your reaction to a lack of control within specific situations helps you move forward, get creative, and try new things anyway. Some will succeed. Some will fail. All teach us something we can apply down the road.

Flex two ways

If leading through the COVID-19 crisis teaches us anything, it’s best not to get too attached to any one strategy. A leader’s ability to explore multiple solutions and pivot to plan B or even plan C is critical. This requires two types of flexibility.

First, cognitive flexibility enables you to use different thinking strategies as you make decisions and plan for the future. Developing cognitive flexibility enables you to envision multiple scenarios, develop different solutions simultaneously, and pull the plug and move on when an approach isn’t working.

At the same time, focus on your emotional flexibility. This is what helps you lead others through change and move your organization forward. Communicating, listening, and collaborating are essential traits of an emotionally flexible leader. The current situation will separate the truly great leaders from the rest because of the way they demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges and how they support their teams, both professionally and personally.

Feed your curiosity

The best way to navigate an uncertain, rapidly changing world is to immerse yourself in it. Be curious. Dive deep into your organization to engage employees with diverse points of view and a variety of skills. Ask questions. Debate ideas. Imagine what’s possible. Most importantly, create a culture that supports trying new things. Show employees that failing is an essential element of innovation and transformation.   

COVID-19 will transform your company, for better or worse. Dive in and lead. Tap into peers, mentors, and coaches as sounding boards and advisors. Seek support and new ideas. We’re facing the ultimate uncertainty as we redefine “business as usual.” I’m here to help. Contact me to explore tools and resources to help you and your team develop the skills you need to thrive, including our turnkey Focus Coaching program that’s designed to help you give employees the holistic support they need in an easy-to-implement, cost-effective way.